Facts you didnt know about Bihu

Bihu is a popular festival celebrated in the state of Assam, India. Here are some lesser-known facts about Bihu:

Bihu is actually three festivals:  There are three types of Bihu celebrated in Assam - Rongali Bihu, Bhogali Bihu, and Kongali Bihu. Rongali Bihu is the most popular of the three and marks the beginning of the Assamese New Year.


Bihu is related to agriculture:  Bihu is primarily a harvest festival, and it is celebrated to mark the beginning of the agricultural season. It is a time for farmers to thank the gods for a bountiful harvest and to pray for good weather and abundant crops in the coming year.


Bihu is celebrated by all communities:  Bihu is a secular festival that is celebrated by people of all communities in Assam, including Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate the cultural diversity of the state.


Bihu involves traditional dances:  Bihu is famous for its traditional dances, which are performed by men and women in colourful attire. The most popular dance forms are the Bihu dance and the Husori dance.


Bihu has its own special food:  During Bihu, people prepare traditional Assamese dishes such as pitha, laru, doi, and chira. These dishes are made from local ingredients and are a symbol of Assamese culture.


Bihu is celebrated in other parts of India: Bihu is not just celebrated in Assam. It is also celebrated in other parts of India, such as West Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand. In these regions, Bihu is known by different names and has its own unique customs and traditions.