7 Women IPS/IAS officers India is proud of

Kiran Bedi -  Inda's first woman IPS officer, she served as the Inspector General of Prisons in Tihar Jail, Delhi and was known for her efforts to reform the prison system


Smita Sabharwal -  The first woman officer to be appointed to the Chief Minister's Office in the state of Telangana, she is known for her administrative skills and has been awarded the United Nations' "Woman Transforming India" award


D. Roopa -  An IPS officer from Karnataka, she gained nationwide attention for exposing corruption and irregularities in the state's prison system. She is also known for her efforts to improve the safety and security of women in the state


Roshni Sinha -  The first woman to be appointed as the Superintendent of Police in Bihar, she is known for her efforts to combat crime and violence against women in the state


Vandana Preyasi -  An IPS officer from Uttar Pradesh, she is known for her work in improving the police's response to cybercrime and for her efforts to promote gender sensitivity in the police force


Ira Singhal -  The first woman with a disability to top the IAS exam, she has served in various positions in the government and has been a strong advocate for disability rights


Smitha Nagaraj -  An IAS officer from Karnataka, she has been instrumental in implementing various development projects in the state, including initiatives to improve the livelihoods of farmers and women