Former Tripura Chief Minister and current BJP MP Biplab Deb is set to divorce his wife, Niti Deb. This revelation came through a social media post by Niti on Wednesday, where she expressed her anguish over the end of their 24-year marriage.
In her emotional post, Niti Deb stated, “Debji wants a divorce.” She elaborated on the struggles she endured to keep the family together for the sake of their two children but admitted that she saw no way forward. Although she did not specify the exact reasons for the separation, she hinted that Biplab had “fallen into the trap of temptation.”
Biplab Deb, who is currently engaged in the Delhi Assembly elections, has yet to issue a statement regarding the matter.
Rumors of their separation had surfaced about six years ago, but at the time, Niti had dismissed them as baseless speculation aimed at politically defaming her husband. However, this time, she has publicly acknowledged the separation, adding a new dimension to the political discourse in the state.
Biplab and Niti, who got married on November 17, 2001, share two children—a son and a daughter. With the divorce now confirmed, many are left wondering about its potential impact on Biplab Deb’s political career and personal life.
Biplab Kumar Deb is an Indian politician from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), born on November 25, 1971, in Tripura. He served as the Chief Minister of Tripura from March 2018 until May 2022, after leading the BJP to a historic victory that ended 25 years of Left Front rule. Deb, who was also a Member of the Rajya Sabha from 2022 to 2024, focused on youth employment and farmers’ welfare during his tenure. His administration initiated direct procurement of paddy at Minimum Support Price (MSP) and implemented the 7th Pay Commission for state employees. However, he has faced controversies over his remarks on civil service exams and cultural issues.