Arunachal Pradesh: Missing Soldiers not found even after 15 days – search operation is still on

A massive search operation is being conducted by the Indian Army to find two soldiers who went missing on May 28 in forwarding areas of the Anjaw district of Arunachal Pradesh.

Spokesperson Lt Col Amarinder Singh Walia said in a statement that it is believed that Naik Prakash Singh Rana and Lance Naik Harendra Singh, posted at the forward post, accidentally fell into the river.

He said that they could not be traced despite the use of reconnaissance aircraft and sniffer dogs in the search operations. He said the search operation has been going on for the last 15 days. The Army has constituted a ‘Court of Inquiry to investigate the incident. The spokesman said that the families of both the soldiers, who hail from Uttarakhand, are regularly apprised of the situation.

The wife of 7th Garhwal Rifles soldier Prakash Singh Rana is under stress over her husband’s disappearance. Every passing day is weighing on them. She is starting to lose patience and is thinking about when her husband will finally come in front of her. The wife had last spoken to her husband, Prakash Singh, on the morning of May 28 over a message. Whereas a day before this, both talked to each other on a video call.

The jawan’s 30-year-old wife Mamta told Hindustan Times that her husband had sent her a message on the morning of May 28 that he was fine. However, the next day the army officers informed her that her husband had gone missing. Mamta said, ‘I am upset after getting this news. I am being told that the search operation is going on. But till now, nothing has been found about them. Significantly, the couple has two children – a 10-year-old son Anuj and a 7-year-old daughter Anamika. Both children are also worried about their father.

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