Microsoft lays off to more than 1000 employee in a week

On Tuesday, Microsoft said over 1,000 employees across several divisions has laid off this week. According to a report by Axios, it makes the latest US technology company to slow hiring amid a global economic slowdowns or cut jobs.

According to the report, less than 1% of Microsoft’s total workforce of around 221,000 has affected for the layoffs as of June 30.

According to reports, as part of a regular restructuring, the software giant had dismissed nearly 1 per cent of its 180,000-strong workforce across different offices and product divisions in the month of July.

In a statement, the company said, “Today we had a small number of role eliminations. Like all companies, we evaluate our business priorities regularly, and make structural adjustments accordingly,”

However, the software company did not give an exact sum or number for the latest layoffs. Recently, several tech companies such as Meta, Twitter, Platforms among others have cut down many jobs and put fresh hirings on hold amid a growing risk of recession and increasing macroeconomic headwinds.

Earlier, another report claimed, across Big Tech firms, including Microsoft and Meta more than 32,000 workers in the US tech industry had been dismissed till late July.

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