Zubair Anam Mazumder elected as the Assam Youth Congress’s new president

Zubair Anam Mazumdar

On April 25, Zubair Anam Mazumdar, a leader in the Congress, was chosen to lead the Assam Pradesh Youth Congress.

With a total of 62,000 votes, Anam won the election. Paritosh Roy came in second with 54,113 votes, and David Phukan took home 18,696 votes.

Anam previously served as the Assam Pradesh Youth Congress’s state general secretary.

Anam, who was raised in Guwahati but was born in Silchar, attended school there. Zubair attended RJ College for his intermediate education before attending Guwahati College of Architecture for his Bachelor of Architecture degree.

Anam moved quickly through the ranks after joining the Congress, rising from vice president to president of the Assam Pradesh Youth Congress to general secretary of the National Students Union of India (NSUI).

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