Srutimala Duara, author, dies at the age of 57 after a battle with cancer

Srutimala Duara

Srutimala Duara, a well-known author and academic, died on Monday at a hospital in Guwahati. She had been fighting cancer for a long time.Her spouse, son, and daughter all survived her at age 57.

Duara was a famous novelist who also taught English as an associate professor at Handique College.He wrote in both English and Assamese. Assam’s first author of Indo-Anglian literature, she is the author of two English-language novels, Traveling with Dreams and Ashes in the Waves, as well as four collections of short tales and six anthologies of poetry.

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In addition, she has published two books of Assamese rhymes, seven children’s books, and the novel “Pokhila Pakhir Rong.” In addition to “Mindprints of Guwahati,” “European Rhapsody,” “Street Dogs’ Club,” and her most recent book, “My Road through Cancer,” she has also written several nonfiction works.

Duara has won numerous awards, and in 2021, the Asian Literary Society presented her with the Indian Women Achievers Prize in Writing. She belonged to the North East Writers’ Forum, which expressed sympathy for her passing and described it as a significant loss for the state’s literary community.

Here, at the Navagraha Crematory, her final rituals were conducted.

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