Assam men took the extreme step after girlfriend refuses to marry him

In a tragic incident, A 27-year-old man died by suicide during a Facebook live stream after his girlfriend refused to marry him. The deceased man has been identified as Jaideep Roy. Jaideep hails form Silchar where he was engaged in media sales.

According to the police, the Jaideep has sent a formal proposal to the girl and her family for marriage but the girl refused to marry him citing “family pressure”. In his live stream, Roy said that the reason for his extreme action was his girlfriend’s refusal to marry him.

Initially, the Jaideep’s family did not file any complaint with the police. But as per the report, now they are accusing the girl’s family of driving him to take this fatal step.

“I sent a formal proposal of marriage but, in front of everyone, she refused. Later her uncle came to me and said they will kill her because of our relationship. Now I am leaving this world so that she doesn’t suffer because of me,” Joy said on Facebook live.

He also apologized to his family members in the video and expressed his love for them but added that his love for the girl is more and he cannot live without her.

Jaideep’s brother accused the woman’s family of pressuring Roy of taking the extreme step.”The woman’s family pressured my brother to take the drastic step. Her uncle threatened to kill her. My brother was a good man and was taking care of our whole family. He earned well, so I don’t understand what the problem was for the woman’s family,”

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