Assam: Govt to screen vehicle speed on Highways, gave new maximum speed limit

On Monday, May 23, the Assam Cabinet endorsed six speed-limit policies for vehicles, everything being equal, to diminish the gamble of street mishaps in the State.

As per speed covering, the most extreme speed limit on four-lane highways for non-transport vehicles with a limit of up to eight travelers is 100 KMPH. However, on national and State highways, these classes of vehicles can’t exceed the speed furthest reaches of 70 KMPH.

The most elevated covering on speed is on streets inside municipal regions, implying that all vehicles in this class of streets should move at the slowest speed. Travelers carrying motor vehicles can’t go at a speed of more than 60 KMPH on these municipal roads; on the other hand, goods carrying vehicles should move slower at 40 KMPH.

Bikes inside municipal regions can’t be driven at more than 50 KMPH speed, while three-wheelers need to move at an accelerate to 40 KMPH.

The speed of transport motor vehicles conveying more than eight travelers is 80 KMPH on four-lane highways, 70 KMPH on National and State Highways, and 60 KMPH on municipal roads.

Further, medium and heavy vehicles conveying more than nine travelers likewise can’t travel faster than 80 KMPH on a four-lane highway, 70 KMPH on National and State highways, and 60 KMPH on municipal areas.
The most extreme speed limit for products carrying vehicles is 70 KMPH on four-lane highways, 60 KMPH on national and State highways, and 40 KMPH on municipal areas.

Bikes can travel faster on four-lane roads up to 80 KMPH and up to 60 KMPH on national and State highways. Three-wheelers can’t travel more than a speed of 50 KMPH on four-lane streets and different roadways.

It is worth focusing on that the vehicle division had recently fixed the speed of vehicles. There are additionally fines forced on individuals driving over as far as possible involving interceptors in various pieces of the State.

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